What is a Subdomain

A single domain can set multiple websites. You might be wondering how it is possible?  ‘Subdomains’ or ‘subdirectories’ are two ways through which we accomplish our goal. Technically, both approaches work similarly, but most people prefer subdomains as it gives a cleaner look.

Subdomains by Definition

A subdomain is an additional section of the main domain that generally happens before the main domain name and domain extension. Subdomain helps in organizing and navigating to different portions of the main website. You can use more than one subdomain within your primary domain, according to the requirement to navigate your site’s other pages.

Let’s visualize it by considering an example. Suppose you sell clothes at your main webpage, main domain,  sellclothes.com. If you sell shoes online, you will need an ecommerce store. It should come under your main website, with a subdomain. In this case, the URL for your store becomes store.sellclothes.com.

In the above example, “sell clothes” is your primary domain, while “store” is your subdomain. It also contains a top-level domain, i.e., “.com.”

You can use any text as a sub-domain, but it should be easy to type and remember for the assistance of users. Here is a nice image from ahrefs.com.


Why we prefer subdomains over subdirectories

You can achieve the same goal by using a subdirectory, but we are partial to subdomain because it impacts Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For instance,

Search engine treats subdomains as separate sites. Hence, it provides you with a chance to enhance your traffic.

One of the main reasons of difference between subdomains vs subdirectories is that they increase domain authority as they allow you to build backlinks in your primary domain.

When to Use Subdomains?

We use subdomains for making a testing and staging version of a site. It finds its use in creating an online eCommerce store. Because companies want to handle transactions with separate subdomains as eCommerce sites need a complicated setup.

Companies need subdomains to handle their cell phone websites, location websites and divide the website into sections.

When we use WordPress in your subdomain, it works as an individual installation from your primary domain. On your website, to handle the group of specific people, you can use subdomains. They efficiently organize your website content. It does not harm the website’s SEO if used carefully. When there is doubt, it is recommended to keep your content on the main domain and avoid the usage of subdomains in public websites.

Subdomains are the extension of the main domain that helps organize the current site into an individual one. To achieve the following advantages, we need to use subdomains.


After you build your website as an e-commerce site, you would like that it should have one main focus content only. As people read books from start to end, they do not read websites like that. It should be appealing but straightforward for customers. Your goal is to satisfy the users and not anger them, as you have much other content to put on the website.

People use subdomains to handle certain content that aggregates their main website. For instance, if you wholesale personal computers on your main website, you may consider a subdomain about laptops. This domain can be a blog covering all information about different kinds of laptops and how to do windows on notebooks. Hence, when people search how to do windows on laptops, then they will visit your blog.


Subdomains enhance search ranking, and hence, as a result, website traffic increases considerably. Search engines like Google consider these subdomains entirely separate web sites from the main domain. So, subdomains are a source of getting new traffic, which is then transferred to the main domain. Now you own two websites that work together to sell your personal computers.

The other domains with different content can also help your main website as they help build backlinks. If you write informative and useful blogs about personal computers and laptops, you can attach links to them on your built website’s different pages. This improves your site’s ranking as backlinks make your main domain credible for search engines.

A subdomain allows you to utilize more keywords centred on various fields of your business without overpowering your main domain for traffic. It assists you in avoiding keyword stuffing, which can affect your explore ranking.

Financial Plan

Suppose your online computer selling business has taken off, and you want to inflate it. You are thinking of adding different games, CDs, and parts of ”computer to your website without losing the main focus on computers’ selling. And, you also want to fix your tight budget.

In this case, subdomains are again helpful when you can create additional subdomains to advertise your new products and solve both problems. It is free of cost to make another domain, which prevents you from deviating from your main goal on your domain. You acquire several domains for the price of one.

To Aim for a Niche

You have the chance to connect with a particular niche audience with subdomains because it is difficult to reach a niche audience after building your main website. You are allowed to make several subdomains to focus on various audiences. For instance, suppose you need to find tailors for your readymade clothes site. You can create a subdomain with content related to skilled tailors. You cannot grab a broad audience with your only main site, so various subdomains that reflect a particular theme different from your main domain helps you reach a bigger audience.

Make Mobile Site

Mobile responsive sites are essential in keeping your website competitive in search results of search engines. You are allowed to make an optimized subdomain for smartphones. There is no restriction that its content must be different from your leading site. So, copy your website content and paste it on a mobile subdomain. After that, what you have to do is to design a mobile domain according to mobile screens. Changing an existing website is difficult than creating a mobile domain.

Enhance Your Brand

Search engines find your brand unique if you have multiple subdomains. Extremely specific subdomains help you in demonstrating your skills in different fields. When customers visit your computer site, they will see an expert in computers.  As a result, you will earn their trust and a trustworthy client.

How to create a subdomain?

how to create a subdomain

If you want to make a separate website apart from the main domain, then it is not mandatory to register a new domain name if you already own one.

Instead of recording a new domain name, you can make several subdomains using the main domain you own; for instance, let’s assume that you own domain.com. Now you can add multiple subdomains to it, for example, forum.domain.com.

You can send your subdomains to URLs or direct IP addresses, as they are extensions of the main domain, as a substitute for buying additional domains. Commonly, they find their use in the verification and segmentation of various services linked with the domain name.

Note:If Namecheap Web Hosting DNS is being pointed by your domain, you need to make subdomains in cPanel.

You can build subdomains from Namecheap Web Hosting DNS for those domains that are using BackupDNS, BasicDNS, FreeDNS, or PremiumDNS.

On BasicDNS, FreeDNS, and PremiumDNS, you can attach 150 subdomains, and on BackupDNS, you can add 100 subdomains per domain name. The ideal length of the subdomain is 60 characters.

After creating a subdomain, you need to select a subdomain name and a location where it will appoint to.

When you create a subdomain, you will be asked to choose a subdomain name and the location it should be pointed/forwarded to.

Follow the following steps to make a subdivision:

  1. Open your Domain List and click on Manage next.
  2. Select Advanced DNS tab
  3. Look for the Host Records portion and click on the Add New Record button.

Complete the following steps:

Subdomain which directs towards IP address:

Do Select A Record for Type and insert the Host you want to direct towards an IP address:

Subdomain pointing the destination hostname’s IP address

With the assist of an ALIAS record or CNAME record, you can direct a subdomain towards another domain name. The main difference is that ALIAS can co-occur with other records on that domain name. If you want to alias other services to the root domain, the ALIAS record will be used in this regard.

For type, choose CANE Record, add Host, and record into Value.

For type, choose ALIAS Record; add Host and Value contains destination hostname.

The subdomain that goes to a link or URL

For type, choose URL Redirected Record for Type, add the Host and Value line contains the destination link/URL.

According to the Forward type, choose Permanent or Unmasked or Masked.

Subdomain pointing a server name

For type, choose NS Record, add the Host you want to:

And pay attention to the Save All Changes click button after entering the record.

Usually, freshly produced records take 30 minutes to show to work on.

Wildcard subdomains

These allow you to redirect or point all non-existing subdomains to a relevant page on a site.

Frequently Asked Questions About Subdomains

Q: Is a subdomain a separate website?

A: A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain. Subdomains are often used to organize different sections of a website. For example, you might have a subdomain for your blog, or for your online store.However, a subdomain is not a separate website. Your website will still be hosted on the same server as your main domain. And, most importantly, your subdomain will still be subject to the same terms and conditions as your main domain.So, if you’re thinking about using a subdomain for your website, there’s no need to worry about creating a separate website. Just remember to keep your subdomain organized and easy to navigate.

Q: Is creating subdomain for a website, free?

A: Yes, creating a subdomain is free. You can do this through your web hosting control panel, or you can use a free online tool like Free Domain Name Generator. Once you have chosen a name for your subdomain, you will need to set it up with your web host. This usually involves editing the DNS records for your domain, which can be done through the control panel or by contacting your web host’s customer support.


As the internet world is getting bigger and the information that is provided is increasing, there is high need for subdomains. When building your website, it’s important to decide how you build your domain – subdomain structure. If you need more information, please contact us.