What Is Native Advertising and How to Use It?

native advertising

As digital media consumption habits have changed,  the way advertisers reach their target audiences also changed. Users are now bombarded with ads from the moment they log onto their computers or pull out their phones. Ad blocking software is on the rise, and users are generally more savvy about avoiding traditional display ads. As a result, advertisers have had to get creative in order to reach their target audiences. Native advertising is one of the trending advertising model. Here are the facts about native advertising – what it is, how it works, why it matters – so that you can decide whether or not this strategy is right for your blog.

What is the definition of native advertising?

Native advertising is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. In many cases, native advertising takes the form of a sponsored article or video that mimics the look and feel of the site’s editorial content.

This type of advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience because it doesn’t interrupt their user experience like traditional ads do. When done well, native ads can blend in seamlessly with surrounding content and even provide value to the reader. However, when done poorly, native ads can stick out like a sore thumb and turn users off from your brand entirely.

These ads are highly effective at generating new revenue streams for website swhile still offering a user friendly experience.  Because they have higher click-through rates than traditional banner ads, and they’re also more likely to lead to brand awareness and purchase intent.

What are different types of native advertising?

There are several different types of native advertising, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most common:

  • Social media ads: These are ads that appear in your social media feeds, such as on Facebook or Twitter. They can be very effective, but they can also be quite expensive. These platforms offer relatively targeting options, which allows advertisers to show their ads to only those users who are most likely to be interested in them. However, social media platforms also have strict guidelines about what kinds of ads are allowed, which can limit the creativity of some advertisers.
  • Search engine ads:  Search engines such as Google and Bing offer advertisers a way to reach users who are actively searching for information related to their product or service. These platforms also offer fairly detailed targeting options, which allows advertisers to show their ads only to those users who are most likely to be interested in them. However, search engine results pages are becoming increasingly cluttered with ads, which can make it difficult for users to find the information they need.
  • In-app ads: These are ads that appear in mobile apps. They can be less intrusive than other types of native advertising, but they can also be less effective.
  • Product placement: This is when products are prominently featured in movies, TV shows, or other forms of entertainment. It can be effective, but it can also come across as being too promotional.
  • In-feed native advertising: Appears in the main body of a website or app. These ads are often labelled as “sponsored content” or “suggested posts,” and they can take many different forms, including articles, videos, or even just simple product listings. This is content that is created by an advertiser and published on a website or blog. They are effective because they’re less intrusive than other forms of advertising, and they’re more likely to be seen by users who are already engaged with the surrounding content.

Who Benefits from Native Advertising?

Three main groups that benefit from native advertising: businesses, publishers, and consumers.

  • Businesses use native advertising to promote their products or services on their websites in a way that is less intrusive and more effective than traditional advertising methods. By aligning their ads with the surrounding content, businesses can reach their target audience more effectively and achieve better results.
  • Publishers benefit from native advertising because it provides them with a new source of revenue. In addition, native advertising can help publishers attract new readers and keep them engaged with the site.
  • Consumers benefit from native advertising because it allows them to discover new products and services that they may be interested in. In addition, they are not bombarded with irrelevant or intrusive ads when they are trying to consume content.

How to Choose the right Native Advertising Platform?

There are a few key things to consider when choosing a native advertising platform:

  • The platforms reach. Make sure the platform you choose has access to the audience you want to reach.
  • The platforms ability to target your audience. You want to make sure the platform can target your specific audience, so that your ad is seen by the people most likely to be interested in it.
  • The platforms pricing model. Some platforms charge by the impression, while others charge by the click. Choose the pricing model that makes sense for your budget and goals.
  • The platforms reporting capabilities. You want to be able to track how your ads are performing, so make sure the platform you choose offers detailed reporting metrics.
  • The platforms customer service. In case you run into any issues with your website campaign, you want to make sure the platform has good customer service that can help you troubleshoot and solve problems quickly.

What are native advertising platforms?

There are a number of different native advertising platforms that publishers can use to monetize their sites. Here are some of the most popular options:

  • Taboola: Taboola is a content discovery platform that helps publishers increase engagement and revenue by recommending relevant articles, videos, and other content to users as they browse the web.
  • Outbrain: Outbrain is another content discovery platform that allows publishers to promote their content on a variety of high-traffic websites.
  • Yahoo! Gemini: Gemini is Yahoo!’s native advertising platform, which allows advertisers to place ads on Yahoo! properties and partner sites.
  • AOL Advertising: AOL offers a range of advertising solutions for both its own properties and partner sites, including native advertising options.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Microsoft’s advertising platforms include a number of options for native advertising, including banner ads, video ads, and in-stream ads.

How does Native Advertising work?

Carousel ads are a form of native advertising

Carousel ads are a form native advertising that is gaining popularity in online marketing. They are a highly interactive form of advertisement and help to increase brand awareness of your websites. They are also cost effective and target a very specific audience. This allows them to spend less money on ad placements that are not relevant to their audience.

Carousel ads can feature multiple products and develop an engaging narrative. The sequential images can reveal hidden information or imply a continuation, so the user is compelled to keep scrolling. Additionally, they can link to a website that sells a specific product or service.

They are a non-disruptive ad format

Native advertising is an ad format designed to blend in with the content, and encourage the user to interact with the content. This form of advertising is great for brand awareness and sales. It has been shown to increase purchase intent by 18%, and the click-through rate is 8.8 times higher than traditional display ads.

They are a form of product placement

Native advertising is an ad format that enables publishers to place products or services in content they already know and trust. This kind of marketing has a lot of benefits over other forms of display advertising. While they can be a great way to sell products, some consumers find them annoying. Nevertheless, many publishers have already started experimenting with this type of advertising.

They are a form of influencer marketing

A form of influencer marketing, native advertising provides brands with a direct line to consumers. It has become increasingly popular as more consumers become jaded with advertising and ad blocking.  For example, Estee Lauder has used influencer marketing with native advertising. The brand worked with Kendall Jenner, a model and beauty blogger, to promote their products. While talking about her skincare routine, Jenner dropped a few of their products.

Native Advertising Examples

One example of native advertising is a Mercedes Benz ad that connects its car with cutting-edge excellence and establishes itself as more than just a car company. Other companies have used viral memes to build brand awareness. The VentureBeat website, for example, used the meme “Laurel or Yanny” to promote its Transform conference, which focuses on artificial intelligence.

Another example of a successful native ad comes from Volkswagen. Volkswagen is known for its affinity for adventure and has created an extensive road trip and travel guide that uses unique images and locations.


Q: Why is native advertising important for websites to consider using?

A: Native advertising is an important tool to consider because it can help you reach your target audience in a more effective way. If done correctly, native ads can be a great way to boost your brand awareness and even your sales. People are less likely to skim over native ads because they blend in with the content of the page, giving them a more pleasant user experience.

Q: What are the most important things to keep in mind while doing native advertising?

A: First, you need to make sure that your ad creative is high quality and relevant to your target audience. Your ad should also be well-designed and user-friendly, so that users will actually want to click on it. Finally, you need to choose the right platform for your ad; not all platforms are created equal when it comes to native advertising


If you’re looking to get started with native advertising, this guide is a great place to start. We’ve covered everything you need to know about native advertising, from what it is and how it works, to the benefits and challenges of using it. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start creating some amazing native ads!