What is a FAQ Page in a Website?

frequently asked questions

An organized collection of valuable information that answers all the customer’s queries is called the FAQ Page. You can organize all the information that your customers often ask for. FAQs cover various topics, such as business hours, products or service usage, price, and many more. Many small business websites ignore this page, but it can be a go-to section for your customers.

Why Your Website Needs FAQ Page?

You built your website and have you added a FAQ page? If not, you need to create one. The FAQ page can help your website in many ways.

  • It Improves User Experience (UX)

You might have a well organized website, but the users might have to scroll various pages to get answers to their questions. It can be annoying for users who are looking for a quick and right answer. You need to write answers to every single topic related to your business. It will help visitors to get the answers they need.

  • FAQ Page Can Act as a Navigation

You might have covered all the FAQ questions, but visitors may find it difficult if the answers exist elsewhere on your site. More often, visitors use site menus to navigate your site, but you can FAQ navigation to lead them where they need to go. It can be a product page or a blog post that contains the relevant answer. It will not only improve the user experience, but it will also help in ranking because this navigation is known as internal linking.

You can keep your answers short in the FAQ and use links to get users elsewhere on your site for a more detailed answer.

  • It is Excellent for Organic Search

FAQ allows you to answer anything. For example, you can answer about your industry or competitors along with your company. It will help people to know more about your company. It might not be a good idea to insert a full question in your website content.  You can find trending questions relevant to your industry or company and answer them on your FAQ page. And this will help you to boost your SEO and rank in higher positions.

  • FAQs Can be Selected as Featured Snippets by Google

Google understands the user intent very well, and sometimes it shows FAQs along with the search results. These FAQs are known as featured snippets. This FAQ page usually appears at the zero position or top of the page.

These featured snippets have a higher conversion rate compared to other search results. In short, adding a FAQ page can help significantly increase traffic on your website. Ensure that the answers are clear and don’t contain more than 50-90 words.

  • It Can Help Save Money on Customer Service Support

When you answer all relevant queries on your FAQ page, it will ensure that visitors get all the answers in one place. They don’t have to make a phone call. When you have covered everything on the FAQ page, it helps the customer support team focus on complicated issues. Don’t forget to give them the option of “contact us” if they don’t get answer to their queries.

  • It Can Help to Generate Content Ideas

Your primary focus must be to help your audience. You can do this by answering questions, solving problems, and improving their lives in some way. Your site must have one FAQ page to answer the questions of visitors in detail.

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  • FAQ Page Can Build Trust

When you answer every question on your site, it improves the customer’s trust in your brand. Providing clear and authoritative answers can help you dominate your industry. Moreover, it will make your site visitors more confident. Answer all the questions honestly.

  • It Can Help Understand and Serve Your Audience in Better Way

Identify the questions that your site visitors are frequently asking. It will give you insights into the customer’s needs and issues. In this way, you can positively shape your business. FAQ page is the best place to understand your audience and let them know more about your brand. Ensure that you’re providing them knowledge but not using the sales pitch.

Best Practices for Creating a FAQ Page

You can follow these best practices for creating a FAQ page.

  • Use Customer Service Data to Find the Most Common Questions

Identify the issues that your customers are facing. If you have a help desk, you can discover the questions that customers ask from your team.

  • Don’t Forget to Add Live Support Options

Remember, the primary purpose of FAQ pages is to provide initial support or answers to problems or queries. It shouldn’t be the replacement of your support team. It should supplement your support channels.

If the customer has an issue or query beyond the FAQ page, there should be an option to connect with the support team directly. You can add links in the bottom of the page so that customers can open a ticket, and they don’t have to navigate to your home page to find contact us option.

  • Design Your FAQ Page

You must design your FAQ page properly. Follow these steps for designing a compelling FAQ page.

  1. Write concise pages
  2. Update each page regularly
  3. Add a search bar
  4. Make categories to organize questions
  5. Link the top questions
  6. Stick to the basics

All these steps can help you design your page efficiently.

  • Monitor the Performance of Your FAQ Page

Your FAQ page must provide answers to common problems. If the customers are not getting what they want, you need to re-visit customer data. Check your categories to find out how you can improve the performance of your FAQ page. If you feel no changes are required, it means the FAQ page is effective.

  • Update Your Content Regularly and Add More Solutions When Required

When your business grows, you need to add new questions over time. Whenever a new product or service is added to your website, you need to update the FAQ page. It will ensure that your customers know how to troubleshoot and your team knows how to provide support. Keep your FAQ page simple and make it user-friendly.

How to Optimize a FAQ page?

There are several ways to optimize FAQ pages on a website, including:

  1. Organize questions and answers into clear categories to make them easy to find.
  2. Use headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it more scannable.
  3. Use keywords in the question and answer text to improve search engine visibility.
  4. Allow users to search for specific questions or keywords on the FAQ page.
  5. Make sure the FAQ page is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate on smaller screens.
  6. Use anchor links within the FAQ page to allow users to jump directly to the relevant question and answer.
  7. Regularly review and update the FAQ page to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date.
  8. Use schema.org FAQPage markup to make the FAQ page more easily understood by search engines.
  9. Use internal linking to other pages on your website to help users find related information.
  10. Use analytics to track user engagement and identify frequently asked questions that are not currently on the page and consider adding them.

Frequently Asked Questions About FAQ Pages on a Website

Q: Are FAQ pages good for website SEO?

A:  Yes because FAQs pages include important information about your website. All relevant questions that are asked by people visited your website, are answered on this page. And this will help improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it more likely that customers will find you when they’re searching for what you have to offer.

Q: FAQ Page or FAQ section for a website? Which one is more effective?

A: When it comes to an effective FAQ page or FAQ section, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, think about what format will work best for your audience. If you have a lot of questions, a FAQ page may be the way to go. If you have fewer questions, a FAQ section may be more effective. Second, consider how you will organize your questions and answers. AFAQ page or FAQ section should be easy to navigate and understand. Organize your questions and answers in a way that makes sense and is easy to follow. Third, make sure your questions and answers are clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Be clear and concise in your language so that everyone can understand what you’re saying. Finally, don’t forget to proofread! AFAQ page or FAQ section with typos or grammatical errors will not instill confidence in your audience. Be sure to proofread everything before you publish it. By following these tips, you can create an effective FAQ page or FAQ section that will be helpful for your audience.


Now everyone wants to get a quick and immediate solution. No one wants to wait too long to get his query answered. The best way is to add a FAQ page to your website. It can provide many visible and invisible benefits. It’s the best way to keep your visitors aware of what’s happening on your website. The best practice is to update your FAQ page regularly; otherwise, it might become obsolete. Moreover, keep it simple and easy to navigate for a better user experience.