How to Create an Educational Website

When it comes to creating an educational website, there are several things that you should keep in mind. This article will go over the top features of an educational website and how to build one. You will also learn the benefits of creating such a site.

First Steps of Educational Website

  1. Domain: Whatever the topic is, every website must have a domain name. But the way to choose the domain name differs from topic to topic. For a educational website, it’s important to include the “topic” in the domain name. For example if it’s about cars, or mathematics or vegetables, it’s recommended to have it in the domain name. And then the second word should reflect the purpose. Are you going to sell a specific product or service or do you just want to inform? The second word should come from these. For example  math courses” shows clearly what the educational website is about.
  2. Theme: Decide on how you want your educational website to look like. Do you just want to give information about a specific topic or do you want to do tests and surveys. Or do you want to sell educational products or services. Answers to these questions will help you to decide how the website will look like. And then from different website template providers, like Envato, you can choose your website template.
  3. Content: If you want to start an educational website, you need to make sure that the content is accurate. Since the web is widely accessible, it is important that all information on your website be up to date. Any errors in contact details, for example, will not be appreciated by users. Make sure your content is relevant and easy to navigate. For example, if you’re offering an online math tutor, you need to include a sign-up form on your website.
  4. Identify your target audience. You need to define to the audience you want to educate or give educational service. If you want to sell your online courses, you should target college students. Moreover, you may need an authoring tool to develop courses. For this, you can use a platform like LearnWorlds, which offers eLearning website development services that include templates, mobile responsiveness, and course authoring in one platform. You will also get a lot of customization options with this software, which will help you customize the look and feel of your eLearning website.

Top features of an educational website

  • User-friendly interface: A successful educational website should have a user-friendly interface, which is easy to navigate. Complicated navigation will only lead to frustration and may lead people to leave the website.
  • Clear CTAs: It should also include a clear call-to-action button to encourage visitors to sign up for more information.
  • Hierarchy of information: A good educational website should also provide a hierarchy of information, so that the most important information appears at the top of the page. The navigation bar should include links to the home page, course goals and objectives, course evaluation tools, and online communication tools
  • Mobile friendly: Another important feature is the ability to access the website from a mobile device. A mobile-friendly website should allow visitors to log in from their cell phone. A website that doesn’t allow users to view the site on a mobile device, such as a tablet or a smartphone, will drive visitors away. Moreover, responsiveness is one of the main factors in Google’s search algorithm.
  • Personalization: Another important feature is the ability to personalize the experience of a visitor. Unlike a website designed to appeal to a large group of visitors, an educational site should address each visitor’s pain points and motivations. For example, a prospective student may want to know whether they can receive financial aid before enrolling in a class. By making it easy to access key information, the website will encourage returning visitors.
  • Resources: The website should also offer a variety of resources, including interactive features such as games and quizzes, to help users learn more about the subject matter.
  • Keep it Fresh: Additionally, the site should be updated regularly with new content to keep users engaged and coming back for more. Especially, any educational topic is changing everyday so it’s important to keep the website up to date.
  • Something Unique: You should offer something unique that other educational websites do not offer.
  • Visual: Your website should be visually appealing and engaging.

Types of educational Websites

There are different types of educational websites that can be built.

  • Online Schools

Online schools are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a flexible and convenient way to get an education. You can choose one format from traditional  or self-paced online schools. Or you can just create online courses. It depends on the content you have and the level of interaction you want to have with the students. With building online courses, you can make decent amount of money from your educational website.

In this type of online courses, you don’t give lectures but you present the things you prepared before. It can be easier as you can prepare your website’s content before and can be online during the hours you want to answer the questions. Most virtual learning platforms offer a variety of courses that students can take at their own pace. These courses often include video lectures, quizzes, and assignments. Some platforms also offer live chat rooms where students can ask questions and get help from teachers or other students.

Examples of Well Known Educational Websites

There are many different types of educational websites and news media organizations. Some offer online courses, while others provide live lectures and events. Many also offer a combination of both. Here are some examples:

1. Coursera: Coursera is an online education platform that offers free and paid courses from top universities and organizations.

2. edX: edX is another online education platform that offers free and paid courses from top universities and organizations.

3. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is a free online education platform that offers video lessons, exercises, and articles on a variety of subjects.

4.Udemy:  Udemy is an online education platform that offers both free and paid courses on a variety of topics.


Creating an educational website is a great way to share your knowledge with the world. By following the tips in this article, you can create a website that is both informative and visually appealing. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about, and be sure to include plenty of multimedia content to keep your visitors engaged. With a little effort, you can create an educational website that will be a valuable resource for years to come.